Germany Job Seeker Visa

 Published: Tue, 20 Sep 2022 23:07:03 ISTహోంప్రవాసతాజా వార్తలుNRI: 

మా దేశానికి వచ్చి ఉద్యోగాలు వెతుక్కోండి.. జర్మనీ బంపర్ ఆఫర్..

ఎన్నారై డెస్క్: విదేశాల్లో ఉద్యోగం చేయాలంటే ముందుగా అక్కడి కంపెనీ ఇచ్చిన ఆఫర్ లెటర్ మన చేతిలో ఉండాలి.  అప్పుడే వీసా లభిస్తుంది. కానీ..అలాంటి నిబంధనలు ఏమీ లేకుండానే జర్మనీ ప్రభుత్వం జాబ్ సీకర్ వీసా ప్రోగ్రామ్‌తో(Job seeker Visa) విదేశీయులను దేశంలోకి ఆకర్షించేందుకు ప్రయత్నిస్తోంది. కారణం.. అక్కడ నిపుణులైన ఉద్యోగుల కొరత ఉండటమే. ఈ లోటును విదేశీయులతో భర్తి చేయాలనేది జర్మనీ యోచన. 

ఏమిటీ జాబ్ సీకర్ వీసా..ఈ వీసా పొందిన వారు ముందుగా జర్మనీకి చేరుకుని ఆ తరువాత ఉద్యోగం వెతుక్కోవచ్చు. ఈ వీసా పరిమితి కేవలం ఆరు నెలలు. ఈ లోపు జర్మనీలో నివసించేందుకు ఈ వీసాదారులకు అనుమతి ఉంది.  ఈలోపే ఉద్యోగం లభిస్తే..ఆ తరువాత జర్మనీలో పనిచేసుకునేందుకు వర్క్ వీసాగానీ లేదా వర్క్ పర్మిట్ గానీ ఇస్తారు. జర్మనీ యూనిర్శిటీలు ఇచ్చే బాచిలర్ లేదా మాస్టర్ డిగ్రీకి సమానమైన విదేశీ డిగ్రీ ఉన్నవారే దీనికి అర్హులు. 

అంతేకాకుండా.. దరఖాస్తుదారులకు తమ వృత్తిలో కనీసం ఐదేళ్ల అనుభవం ఉండాలి. జర్మనీలో ఆరు నెలలు గడిపేందుకు సరిపడా డబ్బు ఉందని కూడా దరఖాస్తుదారులు నిరూపించుకోవాల్సి ఉంటుంది. మెడికల్ ఇన్సూరెన్స్ కూడా తప్పనిసరి. ఈ వీసాపై జర్మనీ వెళ్లాలనుకున్న వారు.. తమ విద్యార్హతలకు సంబంధించిన సర్టిఫికేట్లు, పాస్‌పోర్టు, జర్మనీలో ఉద్యోగం ఎలా సంపాదించబోతున్నారో వివరిస్తూ లేఖ రాయాల్సి ఉంటుంది. ఈవీసాతో విదేశీయులకు పెద్ద సంఖ్యలో జర్మనీలోకి తీసుకురావచ్చని అక్కడి ప్రభుత్వం భావిస్తోంది. ప్రభుత్వం కల్పించే ఉచిత విద్య, వైద్య సదుపాయాలన్నీ వారికి  అదనపు ఆకర్షణగా మారతాయనేది ప్రభుత్వం తలంపుగా ఉంది. ఇక వలసల విధానానికి(Immigration) కీలక మార్పులు చేసేందుకు జర్మనీ(Germany) ప్రభుత్వం సిద్ధమైంది. విదేశీయులకు దేశంలో కాలుపెట్టిన మూడేళ్లకే పౌరసత్వం(Citizenship) ఇచ్చేందుకు యోచిస్తోంది. ముఖ్యంగా జర్మనీ సమాజంలో సులువుగా ఇమిడిపోయే వారికి ఈ అవకాశం ఇవ్వాలని భావిస్తోంది. దేశంలో నెలకొన్న కార్మికుల కొరతను తీర్చేందుకు ప్రస్తుతం జర్మనీ విదేశీయలు వైపు చూస్తున్న విషయం తెలిసిందే. ఓ అంచనా ప్రకారం..2026 నాటికి 8 కోట్ల మంది కార్మికుల కొరత ఏర్పడనుంది. 

Germany Job Seeker Visa

Along with being a beautiful nation, Germany is also amongst the highly powerful nations in Europe. It is a perfect overseas destination for job seekers due to its low unemployment and high growth rate. Germany also offers education free of cost to its residents. It is regarded as highly safe having an attractive working and living environment.

 The rate of unemployment is constantly declining in Germany. The job market in the nation is also highly regarded globally. Several overseas nationals thus immigrate to Germany for seeking a job. It is possible to find a job in Germany and become a resident. Nevertheless, there are certain procedures that you must initially follow.

Germany as a nation is seeking highly qualified and skilled workers to work in the nation in lucrative positions. It encourages all skilled and young people to arrive and seek jobs. If you have also decided to work in Germany, the first thing that you require is the Germany Job Seeker Visa. 

The Germany Job Seeker Visa permits you to stay in Germany for a precise period and look for jobs. However, not all overseas nationals require this Visa for seeking jobs in Germany. It is not an easy task to obtain a Job Seeker Visa for Germany. You must be qualified for the Visa application and fulfill all the specified requirements. It is also required to ensure precise and complete compliance with the process of application.


Do you require the Germany Job Seeker Visa?

Your nationality or citizenship will decide whether or not you require the Germany Job Seeker Visa. Nationals of Switzerland, EEA, and the EU can arrive in Germany for seeking jobs without first obtaining a Visa. 

Additionally, residents of some more nations are also exempted from the need to obtain a Job Seeker Visa. These include those from the US, Canada, Japan, Israel, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia. They can arrive in Germany without a Jobseeker Visa. However, they have to register for a Residency Permit upon arrival in Germany.

Residents of all other nations must obtain a Job Seeker Visa to arrive in Germany for seeking jobs.

What is a Germany Job Seeker Visa?

The Germany Job Seeker Visa is a Residency Permit for Long-Term. It authorizes you to remain in the nation for 6 months and seek jobs. You will be offered the Germany Work Permit and permitted to live and work in the nation after 6 months. This is if you are successful in obtaining a job after 6 months. 

You must note here very important that you cannot start working in Germany immediately with the Job Seeker Visa. It only authorizes you to arrive in Germany and search for jobs while residing there. 

To receive the Job Seeker Visa and be successful in your Germany immigration, you must:

Be qualified to file the Visa application

Arrange all the required documents 

Fill the Visa application and reserve your Visa appointment 

Germany Job Seeker Visa Requirements

As an applicant for Germany Job Seeker Visa, you have to fulfill several criteria for submitting your application: 

Have a Master/Bachelor Degree from a University in Germany or an equivalent overseas degree. 

Possess experience of at least 5 years in your correlated study area.

Demonstrate evidence of having adequate funds for covering your stay duration in Germany. 

Possess medical or travel insurance for your full stay duration in Germany or till the time you obtain the Work Permit. 

If you fulfill all the above criteria, you are then one step nearer to obtaining Germany. Germany Job Seeker Visa. 

Getting recognized for your University qualifications in Germany

You must possess a qualification at the university level that is accepted in Germany. Only then you can apply for the Job Seeker Visa. You have 2 options for proving that your qualification is accepted in Germany: 

Identifying your qualification in the database of ANABIN 

Applying for a Comparability Statement from the ZAB - Foreign Education’ Central Office

Essential Documents for Germany’s Job Seeker Visa Application

The next stage is the preparation of the documents that have to be submitted along with your Visa application. These will make sure to avoid immediate rejection of your application. It is on the grounds of inability to fulfill all the requirements. Thus, you must ensure to arrange all the documents.

Documents’ Checklist for Germany Job Seeker Visa:

A lawful passport offered in the previous ten years with a minimum validity of 1 year upon your scheduled exit from Germany. 

Data page copy of your passport. 

Three passport-size photos as per the biometric stipulations. 

The Cover Letter explains the purpose of your visit, your plan for job search, and the substitute career plans in case you cannot get a job. 

Your Degree/educational credentials or other evidence of your academic qualifications from a German or overseas University. 

Certificates of your earlier work experience if any. 

Your exhaustive CV – Curriculum Vitae. 

Evidence of accommodation in Germany where you will reside during your stay.

Evidence of monetary sources for covering the funds required during your stay in Germany through any of the following means.

Formal obligation letter – Verpflichtungserklärung from a sponsor residing in Germany.

Statement of a bank account.

Blocked account in Bank 

Evidence of personal status in your home nation like Marriage certificate, Birth certificate, and others converted to English

Evidence of having health insurance 

You must arrange two sets of all the documents and carry them with you to the application Center. This is for fulfilling the requirements. You must make use of a Blocked Bank Account as evidence of adequate monetary sources. This will immensely enhance your chance of obtaining a Job Seeker Visa. 

It must be noted here that having all the documents does not ensure the approval of the Visa. The decision will be fully dependent on the Consular Officer. The Consulate/Embassy of Germany also reserves the right to seek extra documents. It is applicable for some specific occupations. For example – Teachers, Pharmacists, Medical Doctors, and Nurses.


Application Form and Visa Appointment

The last step for the Job Seeker Visa is filling out the application form of the German Embassy Office. This is after you have collated all the required documents. Upon completion and submission of the form, you will be provided an appointment time for an interview. Various factors will decide the success or failure of your Visa application. These include your documents and background, application form as well as the final interview. 

Finally, you must ensure to follow all the necessary steps if you are determined to obtain a job in Germany. Preparing a good and complete application is one requirement. Contacting and networking with prospective employers in your area of specialization is the next step. 

You cannot work with a Job Seeker Visa in Germany. After you get a job, you must modify it to the Employment Residence Permit. 

What is the fee for Germany Job Seeker Visa?

The fee for the Germany Job Seeker Visa is 75 Euros as it is considered as a Long-term Visa type. Moreover, the fee can be changed at any time. If your Visa application is rejected, the fee will also not be refunded to you. 

How to file an Application for a Germany Job Seeker Visa?

You must follow the following steps for applying for the Job Seeker Visa:

Fill and submit the form for Germany Job Seeker Visa

Obtain the appointment for the Visa

Collate the necessary documents for the Visa

Appear for the interview at the Consulate/Embassy of Germany

Make a payment of the fees for the Visa 

What is the rate of success of receiving a job in Germany through a Job Seeker Visa?

Currently, Germany has an unemployment rate of 7%. It has abundant opportunities for skilled and talented workers. You will be in the job market in Germany through the Job Seeker Visa. Plus, you will have access to all the information as well.

 The Visa offers you the opportunity to attend the job interviews in person. Fixing a time as per the time zone is not needed. You will also not be required to have a video phase screening. Your chances of obtaining a job in Germany are increased thrice with the Job Seeker Visa.

If you do not find a job, can you extend the Germany Job Seeker Visa?

As per the Germany Job Seeker Visa Rules, the Visa cannot be extended beyond 6 months. However, the chances of not finding a job in 6 months are very less. But it is always good to have a backup plan. 

The Visa can be extended only if you get a job. You must exit Germany prior to the date of your Visa’s expiry if you do not get a job in 6 months. 

Germany allows you to re-apply for the Visa through the same process. You can again thus try your luck to arrive in Germany. 

What is the processing time for Germany Job Seeker Visa?

The processing time for Job Seeker Visa is around four to six weeks. This is as per the general rule of the Consulate of Germany. Nevertheless, the processing times are greatly reliant on your quickness in submitting all the required documents. 

What should you do after you get a job through Job Seeker Visa in 6 months?

After you get a job in Germany through the Job Seeker Visa, you must apply for the Employment Residence Permit. This can be achieved in the following two methods: 

Submit Application for EU Blue Card 

You must have a job offer of Euros 44,800 yearly salary or a minimum of Euros 34, 944 for obtaining the EU Blue Card. With it, you can apply directly for Permanent Residence Permit within 33 months. The same Permit can be obtained in 21 months by demonstrating skills in the German language. 

Submit Application for Employment Residence Permit

The employer will mostly sponsor you in this type of Permit. You can apply for a Permanent Residence Permit after 5 years. Additionally, you can also bring along your family members through the Long Term Family Reunion Visa. However, you as well as your family members must fulfill its requirements. 

How tough is it for Indians to find a job in Germany?

Germany has a huge demand for qualified and skilled workers. These include Teachers, Doctors, Trained Nurses, IT Professionals, Construction, Electrical, Automotive, and Mechanical Engineers. 

Moreover, most Indian students choose degree streams having skills shortages in Germany. These also have a high scope of income and employment. Thus, it is not tough for qualified Indians to obtain a job in Germany through a Job Seeker Visa. 

Can you obtain a job in Germany without being able to speak German?

It is not necessary for you to have skills in the German language for obtaining a job in Germany. Your options will just be narrowed down if you have the skills. 

However, there are abundant job opportunities in any case. You can obtain the following jobs in Germany with skills in the English language alone: 

Systems Administrator

Software Developer

Management and IT Consulting

International Customer Service 

Financial Controller

In Demand Profiles in Germany - 2022

Germany welcomes skilled professionals from all sectors. However, it has distinct demand for candidates in STEM – Medical, Engineering, Technology, and Science sectors. 

How Nationwide Can Help You?

We at Nationwide Visas have assisted hundreds of individuals to successfully immigrate to Germany through Germany Job Seeker Visa. Our qualified and experienced Immigration Experts are equipped with the proficiency to accurately assess your case and advise the most suitable course of action for best serving your needs. 

The following factors make us the Top Immigration Advisory Firm for a Germany Job Seeker Visa:   

Our Consultation is offered by authorized and licensed Immigration Consultants

Step-by-Step guidance through eligibility and process 

We maintain a Secure Online Process & transparency

System of Complaint Redress for any process

Experience of having processed more than 30,000 applications 

Every Case is assessed multiple times before submission

Easy evaluation of the qualifications and other skills


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