Ex Delhi L-G slams Nizamuddin organisers, says they should have cancelled event

Ex Delhi L-G slams Nizamuddin organisers, says they should have cancelled event

Former Delhi L-G Najeeb Jung slammed the Markaz Nizamuddin gathering on Tuesday, saying the jamaat should have cancelled the event as soon as COVID-19 cases began to get reported in India. "It was the duty of the Delhi Police to have cracked down on them, writing a letter to them was not enough," he said, adding that the administration should have been aware of the gathering long time back. "We are now crying over spilt milk," he said. "I beg all religious leaders to shut their places of worship," he told News18.

Delhi govt says ban was in place since 13 March, dismisses Markaz clarification as 'not enough' 
Delhi government on Tuesday replied to Markaz clarification which claimed that they did not violate the government lockdown, by saying that a ban was already in place since the 13 March reports News18. 

On the 16 March, the government further reduced number of people from 200 to 50 under the ban. Therefore, the clarification that has been issued wherein they say Makarz had intimated the SHO on 24 March is not enough.

In a press release, Nizamuddin Markaz — the Delhi headquarters of the Tablighi Jamaat — said after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for ‘Janata curfew’ on 22 March, the ongoing program was discontinued. However, as the Indian Railways suspended its operations, it had to accommodate the stranded guests.

AAP MLA Atishi Marlena urges for 'strong action' against Nizamuddin event organisers

24 people who attended Delhi congregation tracked in Bengaluru
Over 24 people, who attended Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi, were tracked in Bengaluru on Tuesday. "We've quarantined 54 people, aorund 8 people from Bidar. One person was found positive in Bidar and we've quarantined him. There are people who attended jamaat from almost all districts,' said Karnataka Home Mininster.

According to state data, 98 COVID-19 positive cases have been confirmed in the state which includes 3 deaths and 6 discharges. From 5 pm yesterday till 8 am on Tuesday, 10 new cases have been reported. 

9 out of 10 cases in Andaman & Nicobar had attended Nizamuddin event
The designated laboratory for COVID19 in Andaman & Nicobar, RMRC-ICMR, Dollygunj has tested 33 suspected cases on 29 March, out of which only 1 was found positive. The total number of cases found positive is 10 out of 99 samples tested till date, Andaman and Nicobar administration told ANI. 

But 9 out of the 10 people who tested positive for coronavirus in Andaman & Nicobar, had attended Tablighi Jamaat event at Markaz, Nizamuddin in Delhi. "Wife of one of these people later tested positive," said Abhijit Roy, Dy Director Heath and Nodal Officer.

157 from UP participated in Nizamuddin event, says police
Uttar Pradesh Police confirmed to ANI on Tuesday that the search for 157 people from the state, who had participated in Tablighi Jamaat event at Markaz, Nizamuddin in Delhi is currently underway. 

299 people from Assam took part in Nizamuddin congregation, says state govt
Assam chief minister Himata Biswa on Tuesday said that the Assam government is now in possession of a list of 299 persons who were present in and around the hotspot near Nizamuddin Dargah. "We've alerted dist admins to find out if these people have returned to Assam, and strict instructions issued to quarantine them if they are in the state." he said.

45 people from Karanataka took part in Nizamuddin congregation
Karnataka health minister B Sriramul​u on Tuesday said that the government has information that around 45 people from Karnataka had taken part in the Nizamuddin congregation. The Tumkur resident (who died on March 27) is one of them, he said and added that 13 people have been traced so far.

Delhi govt says ban was in place since 13 March, dismisses Markaz clarification as 'not enough' 
Delhi government on Tuesday replied to Markaz clarification which claimed that they did not violate the government lockdown, by saying that a ban was already in place since the 13 March reports News18. 

On the 16 March, the government further reduced number of people from 200 to 50 under the ban. Therefore, the clarification that has been issued wherein they say Makarz had intimated the SHO on 24 March is not enough.

In a press release, Nizamuddin Markaz — the Delhi headquarters of the Tablighi Jamaat — said after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for ‘Janata curfew’ on 22 March, the ongoing program was discontinued. However, as the Indian Railways suspended its operations, it had to accommodate the stranded guests.

Over 200 people from Assam participated in Nizamuddin event in Delhi, says govt
According to News18 Assam, over 200 people from Assam participated in the religious congregation organised by Tablighi Jamaat at Nizamuddin in New Delhi. An individual from Morigaon district in Assam, Kasem Ali, who spoke with News18 Assam said that he is still lodged in a six-storeyed building called Markaz in the institution. Ali claimed he has not been infected with the novel coronavirus, but one person from Assam has been admitted to a Delhi hospital.
People from Assam went to participate in the event by train and most of them stayed on the fourth floor of the building.

Nearly 300 foreigners who attended Nizamuddin event may be blacklisted for violating visa conditions
India is likely to blacklist about 300 foreigners who came from 16 countries, including Malaysia and Thailand, on tourist visas but attended an Islamic congregation at Nizamuddin here that has become a key source for the spread of coronavirus in the country, officials said on Tuesday.

These foreigners were among around 8,000 people who attended the Tabligh-e-Jamaat at Nizamuddin Markaz facility in March, many of whom have shown symptoms of COVID-19, a Union Home Ministry official said.

About 30 of those who attended the Nizamuddin event in mid-March tested positive and at least three have succumbed to the infection in last few days.

"Those who came on a tourist visa but attended the Nizamuddin event stands to be in our blacklist as they have violated the visa conditions. Tourist visa holders can't attend religious function," a Union Home ministry official said.

If a foreigner is put in the Home ministry's blacklist, he or she can't travel to India in the future. A total of 281 foreigners were found by the police at the Nizamuddin campus in the last two days.

Country-wise case count of foreign nationals who were present during mosque event
A cluster case has emerged from Delhi, from Markaz building in Nizamuddin, which has initiated fast action against coronavirus in Delhi. This is the country-wise case count of foreign nationals who were part of the event that took place between 15 to 17 March.

Nepal- 19
Malaysia- 20
Afghanistan- 1
Myanmar- 33
Algeria- 1
Djibouti- 1 
Kyrgystan- 28
Indonesia- 72 
Thailand- 71
Sri Lanka- 34
Bangladesh- 19 
England- 3 
Singapore- 1 
Fiji- 4 
Kuwait- 2

निजामुद्दीन मरकज मामला: बिजनौर की एक मस्जिद से मिले 8 इंडोनेशियाई नागरिक, बांग्लादेश के रास्ते पहुंचे थे दिल्ली
प्रशासन का कहना है कि उनके यहां रुके होने की उन्हें जानकारी नहीं दी गई थी.
Reported by: आलोक पांडे, Edited by: आरिफ खान मंसूरी, Updated: 31 मार्च, 2020 2:00 PM
निजामुद्दीन मरकज मामला: बिजनौर की एक मस्जिद से मिले 8 इंडोनेशियाई नागरिक, बांग्लादेश के रास्ते पहुंचे थे दिल्ली
निजामुद्दीन लोगों को अस्पताल ले जाता प्रशासन.

लखनऊ: श में कोरोनावायरस के बढ़ते प्रकोप के बीच दिल्ली के निजामुद्दीन मरकज मामले में कई जानकारी सामने आ रही हैं. अभी तक मरकज में रह रहे 24 लोगों को कोरोनोवायरस पॉजिटिव पाया है. वहीं, सात लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है. मंगलवार को उत्तर प्रदेश के बिजनौर की एक मस्जिद में इंडोनेशिया के आठ लोगों का पता लगा है. प्रशासन ने मस्जिद से निकालकर उनके मेडिकल चेकअप करवाया और होम क्वारंटाइन कर दिया. इसके साथ ही जिस मस्जिद में रुके हुए थे, उसके मौलाना और बाकी लोगों के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज किया गया है. प्रशासन का कहना है कि उनके यहां रुके होने की उन्हें जानकारी नहीं दी गई थी. 

दिल्ली सरकार के मोहल्ला क्लीनिक का एक और डॉक्टर हुआ कोरोना पॉजिटिव, प्रशासन ने इलाके में चस्पा किया नोटिस
दिल्ली सरकार के मोहल्ला क्लीनिक का एक और डॉक्टर हुआ कोरोना पॉजिटिव, प्रशासन ने इलाके में चस्पा किया नोटिस
राजस्थान के इस जिले में लॉकडाउन को और भी ज्यादा सख्ती, वजह है बेहद चौंकाने वाली
राजस्थान के इस जिले में लॉकडाउन को और भी ज्यादा सख्ती, वजह है बेहद चौंकाने वाली
अजय देवगन ने पत्नी काजोल और बेटी न्यासा को कोरोना वायरस की खबरों पर किया खुलासा, बोले- ये सभी खबरें बिल्कुल...
अजय देवगन ने पत्नी काजोल और बेटी न्यासा को कोरोना वायरस की खबरों पर किया खुलासा, बोले- ये सभी खबरें बिल्कुल...
बिजनौर के एसपी ने बताया, 'ये लोग नगीना की जामुन वाली मस्जिद में रुके हुए थे. ये लोग पहले दिल्ली रुके हुए थे, वहां से बिजनौर आए थे. ये सभी इंडोनेशिया के नागरिक हैं. ये सभी बांग्लादेश के रास्ते ओडिशा पहुंचे और वहां से दिल्ली पहुंचे थे. 21 मार्च को ये लोग नगीना वाली मस्जिद आ गए थे. इनके साथ एक ट्रांसलेटर भी साथ थे. मस्जिद के मौलवी और अन्य लोगों सहित पांच के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज किया गया है.'


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